GAN Tutorial¶
Augmenting EEG with Generative Adversarial Networks
We here use Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to create trial-level synthetic EEG samples. We can then use these samples as extra data to train whichever classifier we want to use (e.g., Support Vector Machine, Neural Network).
GANs are machine learning frameworks that consist of two adversarial neural network agents, namely the generator and the discriminator. The generator is trained to create novel samples that are indiscernible from real samples. In the current context, the generator produces realistic continuous EEG activity, conditioned on a set of experimental variables, which contain underlying neural features representative of the outcomes being classified. For example, depression manifests as increased alpha oscillatory activity in the EEG signal, and thus, an ideal generator would produce continuous EEG that includes these alpha signatures. In contrast to the generator, the discriminator determines whether a given sample is real or synthetically produced by the generator. The core insight of GANs is that the generator can effectively learn from the discriminator. Specifically, the generator will consecutively produce more realistic synthetic samples with the goal of “fooling” the discriminator into believing them as real. Once it has achieved realistic samples that the discriminator cannot discern, it can be used to generate synthetic data—or in this context, synthetic EEG data.
The dataset provided is a subset of data from Williams et al., 2021 (Psychophysics). In this study, participants completed a two-armed bandit gambling task where they needed to discern which of two coloured squares were more often rewarding through trial-and-error. Each trial presented two coloured squares that the participants were to choose from, and provided performance feedback as “WIN” or “LOSE”, yielding two conditions of interest. For each pair of squares, one had a win rate of 60% while the other had a win rate of 10%. Participants saw each pair of colours twenty times consecutively. There were a total of five pairs of squares (with colours randomly determined), resulting in one hundred trials per participant. This paradigm elicits well-known frontal neural differences when contrasting the win and lose outcomes, namely in the reward positivity, delta oscillations, and theta oscillations (see Williams et al., 2021; Psychophysics).
In this tutorial, we will classify the WIN and LOSE conditions using both Support Vector Machine and Neural Network classifiers. We will:
- Train a GAN on trial-level EEG data
- Generate synthetic EEG data
- Create an augmented EEG dataset
- Determine classification performance using both the empirical and augmented datasets
- Empirical Dataset: We train the classifer on the empirical data that was used to train the GANs
- Augmented Dataset: We train the classifer on the empirical data with the appended synthetic samples
Evaluation of EEG-GAN¶
Enhancing EEG Data Classification Across Diverse Contexts Using Generative Adversarial Networks
$Williams$, $Weinhardt$, $Hewson$, $Plomecka$, $Langer$, & $Musslick$ (in prep, 2024)
Augmenting EEG with Generative Adversarial Networks Enhances Brain Decoding Across Classifiers and Sample Sizes
$Williams$, $Weinhardt$, $Wirzberger$, & $Musslick$ (Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 2023)
Table of Contents¶
Step 0. Installing and Loading Modules
Step 0.1. Installing Modules
Step 0.2. Loading Modules
Step 1. EEG Data
Step 1.1. Load Data
Step 1.2. View Data
Step 2. AE-GAN
Step 2.1. Exploring the EEG-GAN Package Functions
Step 2.1.1. GAN Training Help
Step 2.1.2. AE Training Help
Step 2.1.3. Visualize Help
Step 2.1.4. Generate Samples Help
Step 2.2.A Training the AE-GAN
Step 2.2.B Training the GAN (Optional)
Step 2.3. Visualizing GAN Losses
Step 2.4. Generating Synthetic Data
Step 3. Synthetic Data
Step 3.1. Load Data
Step 3.2. View Data
Step 3.2.1. View Trial-Level Data
Step 3.2.2. View ERP Data
Step 4. Classification Setup
Step 4.1. Preparing Validation Data
Step 4.2. Preparing Empirical Data
Step 4.3. Preparing Augmented Data
Step 5. Support Vector Machine
Step 5.1. Define Search Space
Step 5.2. Classify Empirical Data
Step 5.3. Classify Augmented Data
Step 6. Neural Network
Step 6.1. Define Search Space
Step 6.2. Classify Empirical Data
Step 6.3. Classify Augmented Data
Step 7. Final Report
Step 7.1. Present Classification Performance
Step 7.2. Plot Classification Performance
Note: you can also view an interactive table of contents in your sidebar
Step 0. Installing and Loading Modules¶
Step 0.1. Installing Modules¶
We will now download and install the EEG-GAN package
!pip install eeggan
Requirement already satisfied: eeggan in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (2.0.0a17) Requirement already satisfied: einops~=0.4.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from eeggan) (0.4.1) Requirement already satisfied: matplotlib~=3.5.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from eeggan) (3.5.3) Requirement already satisfied: numpy~=1.21.4 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from eeggan) (1.21.6) Requirement already satisfied: pandas~=1.3.4 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from eeggan) (1.3.5) Requirement already satisfied: scikit-learn~=1.1.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from eeggan) (1.1.3) Requirement already satisfied: scipy~=1.8.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from eeggan) (1.8.1) Requirement already satisfied: torchaudio~=0.12.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from eeggan) (0.12.1) Requirement already satisfied: torchsummary~=1.5.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from eeggan) (1.5.1) Requirement already satisfied: torchvision~=0.13.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from eeggan) (0.13.1) Requirement already satisfied: torch~=1.12.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from eeggan) (1.12.1) Requirement already satisfied: tqdm~=4.66.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from eeggan) (4.66.4) Requirement already satisfied: cycler>=0.10 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from matplotlib~=3.5.0->eeggan) (0.12.1) Requirement already satisfied: fonttools>=4.22.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from matplotlib~=3.5.0->eeggan) (4.53.0) Requirement already satisfied: kiwisolver>=1.0.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from matplotlib~=3.5.0->eeggan) (1.4.5) Requirement already satisfied: packaging>=20.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from matplotlib~=3.5.0->eeggan) (24.1) Requirement already satisfied: pillow>=6.2.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from matplotlib~=3.5.0->eeggan) (9.4.0) Requirement already satisfied: pyparsing>=2.2.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from matplotlib~=3.5.0->eeggan) (3.1.2) Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.7 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from matplotlib~=3.5.0->eeggan) (2.8.2) Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2017.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from pandas~=1.3.4->eeggan) (2023.4) Requirement already satisfied: joblib>=1.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from scikit-learn~=1.1.2->eeggan) (1.4.2) Requirement already satisfied: threadpoolctl>=2.0.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from scikit-learn~=1.1.2->eeggan) (3.5.0) Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from torch~=1.12.1->eeggan) (4.12.2) Requirement already satisfied: requests in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from torchvision~=0.13.1->eeggan) (2.31.0) Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.7->matplotlib~=3.5.0->eeggan) (1.16.0) Requirement already satisfied: charset-normalizer<4,>=2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests->torchvision~=0.13.1->eeggan) (3.3.2) Requirement already satisfied: idna<4,>=2.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests->torchvision~=0.13.1->eeggan) (3.7) Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<3,>=1.21.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests->torchvision~=0.13.1->eeggan) (2.0.7) Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from requests->torchvision~=0.13.1->eeggan) (2024.6.2)
Step 0.2. Loading Modules¶
#Load other modules specific to this notebook
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random as rnd
from scipy import signal
from sklearn.preprocessing import scale
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report
#Create a print formatting class
class printFormat:
bold = '\033[1m'
italic = '\033[3m'
end = '\033[0m'
!eeggan setup_tutorial
Downloading EEG-GAN tutorial files. Once completed, you will find the downloaded files in new directories that have been created during the process. eeggan_training_example.csv has been downloaded and saved to directory data. eeggan_validation_example.csv has been downloaded and saved to directory data. has been downloaded and saved to directory trained_ae. has been downloaded and saved to directory trained_models. EEG-GAN tutorial files have been downloaded.
Step 1. EEG Data¶
Step 1.1. Load Data¶
We will load the provided EEG training data and print some information about what this contains. Note that this is not necessary for the eeggan
package, which will load the file itself during training. However, it is useful to understand the data structure but also this data will be used later in the classification task.
#Load the data
empiricalHeaders = np.genfromtxt('data/eeggan_training_example.csv', delimiter=',', names=True).dtype.names
empiricalEEG = np.genfromtxt('data/eeggan_training_example.csv', delimiter=',', skip_header=1)
#Print the head of the data
print(printFormat.bold + 'Display Header and first few rows/columns of data\n \033[0m' + printFormat.end)
print(pd.DataFrame(empiricalEEG, columns=empiricalHeaders).iloc[:5,:6])
#Print some information about the columns
print('\n' + '-'*90)
print(f"{printFormat.bold}\nNote the first four columns:{printFormat.end}\n"
f" ParticipantID - Indicates different participants\n"
f" Condition - Indicates the condition (WIN = 0, LOSE = 1) to be classified\n"
f" Trial - Indicates the trial number for that participant and condition\n"
f" Electrode - a numerical number ID of each electrode")
print('\nThe remaining columns are titled Time1 to Time100 - indicating 100 datapoints per sample.\n'
'The samples span from -200 to 1000ms around the onset of a feedback stimulus.\n'
'These are downsampled from the original data, which contained 600 datapoints per sample.')
# Print some meta-data
print('\n' + '-'*90)
print(f"\n{printFormat.bold}Other characteristics of our data include:{printFormat.end}")
print(f"-We have {len(set(empiricalEEG[:,0]))} participants in our training set")
average_trials = round(np.mean([np.max(empiricalEEG[empiricalEEG[:,0] == pID, 2]) for pID in set(empiricalEEG[:,0])]))
std_trials = round(np.std([np.max(empiricalEEG[empiricalEEG[:,0] == pID, 2]) for pID in set(empiricalEEG[:,0])]))
print(f"-Participants have an average of {average_trials} (SD: {std_trials}) trials per outcome (win, lose)")
print(f"-There are a total of {len(empiricalEEG)} samples in our data")
print(f"-There is {len(set(empiricalEEG[:,3]))} electrode in our data")
Display Header and first few rows/columns of data ParticipantID Condition Trial Electrode Time1 Time2 0 12.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 3.457978 4.117102 1 12.0 0.0 2.0 1.0 -14.463714 -13.335952 2 12.0 0.0 3.0 1.0 6.562403 9.021622 3 12.0 0.0 4.0 1.0 -4.326536 -0.771954 4 12.0 0.0 5.0 1.0 1.140865 9.707995 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Note the first four columns: ParticipantID - Indicates different participants Condition - Indicates the condition (WIN = 0, LOSE = 1) to be classified Trial - Indicates the trial number for that participant and condition Electrode - a numerical number ID of each electrode The remaining columns are titled Time1 to Time100 - indicating 100 datapoints per sample. The samples span from -200 to 1000ms around the onset of a feedback stimulus. These are downsampled from the original data, which contained 600 datapoints per sample. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Other characteristics of our data include: -We have 15 participants in our training set -Participants have an average of 42 (SD: 11) trials per outcome (win, lose) -There are a total of 1129 samples in our data -There is 1 electrode in our data
Step 1.2. View Data¶
Let's view the grand-averaged ERPs of our participants.
#Determine which rows are each condition
lossIndex = np.where(empiricalEEG[:,1]==1)
winIndex = np.where(empiricalEEG[:,1]==0)
#Grand average the waveforms for each condition
lossWaveform = np.mean(empiricalEEG[lossIndex,4:],axis=1)[0]
winWaveform = np.mean(empiricalEEG[winIndex,4:],axis=1)[0]
#Determine x axis of time
time = np.linspace(-200,1000,100)
#Setup figure
f, (ax1) = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4))
#Plot each waveform
ax1.plot(time, lossWaveform, label = 'Loss')
ax1.plot(time, winWaveform, label = 'Win')
#Format plot
ax1.set_ylabel('Voltage ($\mu$V)')
ax1.set_xlabel('Time (ms)')
ax1.set_title('Empirical', loc='left')
ax1.spines[['right', 'top']].set_visible(False)
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7aff5c7dc6d0>
Step 2. AE-GAN¶
Step 2.1. Exploring the EEG-GAN Package Functions¶
EEG-GAN is a command line interface (CLI) package that allows users to train a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) on EEG data. Once installed, you can run eeggan
functions <function>
in your terminal or command prompt alongside their parameters <params>
eeggan <function> <params>
has four functions:
- This trains a GAN
- This trains an autoencoder
- This visualizes components of a trained GAN, such as the training losses
- This generates synthetic samples using the trained GAN
Each function can be followed by function parameters. Parameters are structured in that:
Boolean arguments are passed as their argument name (e.g., ddp
eeggan gan_training ddp
While other arguments are passed with an equals sign =
eeggan gan_training data=data/eeg_training_data.csv
Arguments are separated by a space:
eeggan gan_training ddp data=data/eeg_training_data.csv
You can use the help
argument to see a list of possible parameters with a brief description:
eeggan gan_training help
eeggan autoencoder_training help
eeggan visualize help
eeggan generate_samples help
Step 2.1.1. GAN Training Help¶
!eeggan gan_training help
----------------------------------------- Command line arguments: ----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT HELP - These are the inputs that can be given from the command line ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Input | Type | Description | Default value ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ddp | <class 'bool'> | Activate distributed training | False seed | <class 'bool'> | Set seed for reproducibility | None n_epochs | <class 'int'> | Number of epochs | 100 batch_size | <class 'int'> | Batch size | 128 sample_interval | <class 'int'> | Interval of epochs between saving samples | 100 hidden_dim | <class 'int'> | Hidden dimension of the GAN components | 16 num_layers | <class 'int'> | Number of layers of the GAN components | 4 patch_size | <class 'int'> | Patch size of the divided sequence | 20 discriminator_lr | <class 'float'> | Learning rate for the discriminator | 0.0001 generator_lr | <class 'float'> | Learning rate for the generator | 0.0001 data | <class 'str'> | Path to a dataset | data/gansEEGTrainingData.csv checkpoint | <class 'str'> | Path to a pre-trained GAN | autoencoder | <class 'str'> | Path to an autoencoder | kw_conditions | <class 'str'> | ** Conditions to be used | kw_time | <class 'str'> | Keyword to detect the time steps of the dataset; e.g. if [Time1, Time2, ...] -> use Time | Time kw_channel | <class 'str'> | Keyword to detect used channels | save_name | <class 'str'> | Name to save model | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUICK HELP - These are the special features: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General information: Boolean arguments are given as a single keyword: Set boolean keyword "test_keyword" to True -> python test_keyword Command line arguments are given as a keyword followed by an equal sign and the value: Set command line argument "test_keyword" to "test_value" -> python test_keyword=test_value Whitespaces are not allowed between a keyword and its value. Some keywords can be given list-like: test_keyword=test_value1,test_value2 These keywords are marked with ** in the table. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. The training works with two levels of checkpoint files: 1.1 During the training: Checkpoints are saved every "sample_interval" batches as either "" or "". These checkpoints are considered as low-level checkpoints since they are only necessary in the case of training interruption. Hereby, they can be used to continue the training from the most recent sample. To continue training, the most recent checkpoint file must be renamed to "". Further, these low-level checkpoints carry the generated samples for inference purposes. 1.2 After finishing the training: A high-level checkpoint is saved as "", which is used to continue training in another session. This high-level checkpoint does not carry the generated samples. To continue training from this checkpoint file no further adjustments are necessary. Simply give the keyword "load_checkpoint" when calling the training process. The low-level checkpoints are deleted after creating the high-level checkpoint. 1.3 For inference purposes: Another dictionary is saved as "gan_{n_epochs}ep_{timestamp}.pt". This file contains everything the checkpoint file contains, plus the generated samples. 2. Use "ddp" to activate distributed training. Only if multiple GPUs are available for one node. All available GPUs are used for training. Each GPU trains on the whole dataset. Hence, the number of training epochs is multiplied by the number of GPUs 3. If you want to load a pre-trained GAN, you can use the following command: python load_checkpoint; The default file is "trained_models/" If you want to use another file, you can use the following command: python load_checkpoint path_checkpoint="path/to/" 4. If you want to use a different dataset, you can use the following command: python data="path/to/file.csv" The default dataset is "data/gansEEGTrainingData.csv" 6. The keyword "input_sequence_length" describes the length of a sequence taken as input for the generator. 6.1 The "input_sequence_length" must be smaller than the total sequence length. 6.2 The generator works in the following manner: The generator gets a sequence of length "input_sequence_length" as a condition (input). The generator generates a sequence of length "sequence_length"-"input_sequence_length" as output which is used as the subsequent part of the input sequence. 6.3 If "input_sequence_length" == 0: The generator does not get any input sequence but generates an arbitrary sequence of length "sequence_length". Arbitrary means hereby that the generator does not get any conditions on previous data points. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Step 2.1.2. AE Training Help¶
!eeggan autoencoder_training help
----------------------------------------- Command line arguments: ----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT HELP - These are the inputs that can be given from the command line ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Input | Type | Description | Default value ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ddp | <class 'bool'> | Activate distributed training | False load_checkpoint | <class 'bool'> | Load a pre-trained AE | False seed | <class 'bool'> | Set seed for reproducibility | None data | <class 'str'> | Path to the dataset | data/gansEEGTrainingData.csv checkpoint | <class 'str'> | Path to a pre-trained AE | save_name | <class 'str'> | Name to save model | target | <class 'str'> | Target dimension (channel, time, full) to encode; full is recommended for multi-channel data; | full kw_time | <class 'str'> | Keyword to detect the time steps of the dataset; e.g. if [Time1, Time2, ...] -> use Time | Time kw_channel | <class 'str'> | Keyword to detect used channels | activation | <class 'str'> | Activation function of the AE decoder; Options: [relu, leakyrelu, sigmoid, tanh, linear] | sigmoid channels_out | <class 'int'> | Size of the encoded channels | 10 time_out | <class 'int'> | Size of the encoded timeseries | 10 n_epochs | <class 'int'> | Number of epochs to train for | 100 batch_size | <class 'int'> | Batch size | 128 sample_interval | <class 'int'> | Interval of epochs between saving samples | 100 hidden_dim | <class 'int'> | Hidden dimension of the transformer | 256 num_layers | <class 'int'> | Number of layers of the transformer | 2 num_heads | <class 'int'> | Number of heads of the transformer | 8 train_ratio | <class 'float'> | Ratio of training data to total data | 0.8 learning_rate | <class 'float'> | Learning rate of the AE | 0.0001 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUICK HELP - These are the special features: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General information: Boolean arguments are given as a single keyword: Set boolean keyword "test_keyword" to True -> python test_keyword Command line arguments are given as a keyword followed by an equal sign and the value: Set command line argument "test_keyword" to "test_value" -> python test_keyword=test_value Whitespaces are not allowed between a keyword and its value. Some keywords can be given list-like: test_keyword=test_value1,test_value2 These keywords are marked with ** in the table. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. The target parameter determines whether you will encode the channels, timeseries, or both (named full): If target = channels, then the channels_out parameter will be used If target = timeseries, then the timeseries_out parameter will be used if target = full, then both the channels_out and timeseries_out parameters will be used 2. The channels_out and timeseries_out parameters indicate the corresponding dimension size output of the encoder For example, if we havea a 100x30 (timeseries x channel) sample and use timeseries_out=10 & channels_out=4 with target=full, our encoder will result in an encoded 10x4 sample 3. "load_checkpoint" can be used to load a previously trained autoencoder model and continue training on it. 3.1 If you are loading a previously trained model, it will inherit the following model parameters: target, channels_out, timeseries_out. The remainder of the parameters will be used as normal. 3.2 If you do not specify "path_checkpoint" the default path is "trained_ae/"
Step 2.1.3. Visualize Help¶
!eeggan visualize help
----------------------------------------- Command line arguments: ----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT HELP - These are the inputs that can be given from the command line ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Input | Type | Description | Default value ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- loss | <class 'bool'> | Plot training loss | False average | <class 'bool'> | Average over all samples to get one averaged curve (per condition, if any is given) | False pca | <class 'bool'> | Use PCA to reduce the dimensionality of the data | False tsne | <class 'bool'> | Use t-SNE to reduce the dimensionality of the data | False spectogram | <class 'bool'> | Use spectogram to visualize the frequency distribution of the data | False fft | <class 'bool'> | Use a FFT-histogram to visualize the frequency distribution of the data | False channel_plots | <class 'bool'> | Plot each channel in a separate column | False model | <class 'str'> | Use samples from checkpoint file | data | <class 'str'> | Use samples from csv-file | comp_data | <class 'str'> | Path to a csv dataset for comparison; comparison only for t-SNE or PCA; | data/ganAverageERP.csv kw_conditions | <class 'str'> | ** Conditions to be used | kw_time | <class 'str'> | Keyword to detect the time steps of the dataset; e.g. if [Time1, Time2, ...] -> use Time | Time kw_channel | <class 'str'> | Keyword to detect used channels | n_samples | <class 'int'> | Total number of samples to be plotted | 0 channel_index | <class 'int'> | **Index of the channel to be plotted; If -1, all channels will be plotted; | -1 tsne_perplexity | <class 'int'> | Perplexity of t-SNE | 40 tsne_iterations | <class 'int'> | Number of iterations of t-SNE | 1000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUICK HELP - These are the special features: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General information: Boolean arguments are given as a single keyword: Set boolean keyword "test_keyword" to True -> python test_keyword Command line arguments are given as a keyword followed by an equal sign and the value: Set command line argument "test_keyword" to "test_value" -> python test_keyword=test_value Whitespaces are not allowed between a keyword and its value. Some keywords can be given list-like: test_keyword=test_value1,test_value2 These keywords are marked with ** in the table. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Either the keyword "model" or "data" must be given. 1.1 If the keyword "model" is given "model" must point to a pt-file. "model" may point to a GAN or an Autoencoder checkpoint file. the keyword "kw_conditions" will be ignored since the conditions are taken from the checkpoint file. the keyword "kw_channel" will be ignored since the samples are already sorted channel-wise. the samples are drawn evenly from the saved samples to show the training progress. 1.2 If the keyword "data" is given "data" must point to a csv-file. the keyword "kw_conditions" must be given to identify the condition column(s). the samples will be drawn randomly from the dataset. 2. The keyword "loss" works only with the keyword "checkpoint". 3. The keyword "average" averages either all the samples (if no condition is given) along each combination of conditions that is given. The conditions are shown in the legend. 4. When using the keywords "pca" or "tsne" the keyword "comp_data" must be defined. Except for the case "model" is given and the checkpoint file is an Autoencoder file. In this case, the comparison dataset (original data) is taken from the Autoencoder file directly. 5. The keyword "channel_plots" can be used to enhace the visualization. This way, the channels are shown in different subplots along the columns. 6. The keyword "channel_index" can be defined to plot only a subset of channels. If the keyword "channel_index" is not given, all channels are plotted. Several channels can be defined list-like e.g., "channel_index=0,4,6,8". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Step 2.1.4. Generate Samples Help¶
!eeggan generate_samples help
----------------------------------------- Command line arguments: ----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INPUT HELP - These are the inputs that can be given from the command line ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Input | Type | Description | Default value ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- seed | <class 'bool'> | Set seed for reproducibility | None model | <class 'str'> | File which contains the trained model and its configuration | trained_models/ save_name | <class 'str'> | File where to store the generated samples; If None, then checkpoint name is used | kw_time | <class 'str'> | Keyword for the time step of the dataset; to determine the sequence length | Time sequence_length | <class 'int'> | total sequence length of generated sample; if -1, then sequence length from training dataset | -1 num_samples_total | <class 'int'> | total number of generated samples | 1000 num_samples_parallel | <class 'int'> | number of samples generated in parallel | 50 conditions | <class 'int'> | ** Specific numeric conditions | None ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUICK HELP - These are the special features: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General information: Boolean arguments are given as a single keyword: Set boolean keyword "test_keyword" to True -> python test_keyword Command line arguments are given as a keyword followed by an equal sign and the value: Set command line argument "test_keyword" to "test_value" -> python test_keyword=test_value Whitespaces are not allowed between a keyword and its value. Some keywords can be given list-like: test_keyword=test_value1,test_value2 These keywords are marked with ** in the table. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. The keyword "file" carries some special features: 1.1 It is possible to give only a file instead of a whole file path In this case, the default path is "trained_models" 1.2 The specified file must be a checkpoint file which contains the generator state dict and its corresponding configuration dict 2. The keyword "sequence_length_total" defines the length of the generated sequences The default value is -1, which means that the max sequence length is chosen The max sequence length is determined by the used training data set given by the configuration dict 3. The keyword "condition" defines the condition for the generator: 3.1 Hereby, the value can be either a scalar or a comma-seperated list of scalars e.g., "condition=1,3.234,0" Current implementation: The single elements must be numeric The length of the condition must be equal to the "n_condition" parameter in the configuration dict 3.2 The value -1 means that the condition is chosen randomly This works currently only for binary conditions. 4. The keyword "num_samples_parallel" defines the number of generated samples in one batch This parameter should be set according to the processing power of the used machine Especially, the generation of large number of sequences can be boosted by increasing this parameter
Step 2.2.A. Training the AE-GAN¶
The GAN within eeggan
has two different structures dependent on whether we are training it on time-series EEG data or encoded EEG data. The former would take each of your samples as is and learn to generate them directly. The latter instead transforms each of your samples using an autoencoder and then learns to generate the encoded space. We highly suggest using the autoencoder GAN (AE-GAN) as it speeds up training and results in better generated data, but we will here show how to use both structures, starting with the AE-GAN.
Although more efficient, the drawback of using the AE-GAN is that you first need to train an autoencoder (however, training is very fast) and then you train the GAN with the autoencoder
We will first train our autoencoder with the following parameters:
- data: Determines the training dataset.
- save_name: Determines the autoencoder filename. This will automatically be placed within the
directory. - kw_channel: This is used to inform the autoencoder of different electrodes.
- target: This informs the autoencoder which dimension should be reduced. Here we will use
to reduce our samples but we could also reduce our channel dimension usingchannel
or both time and channel dimensions usingfull
. - time_out: This is the size of the reduced time dimension. For example, if your samples are 100 datapoints and this parameter is 50 datapoints, the data will be reduced to half of its size.
-If you are reducing the channel dimension withtarget=channel
then instead use the parameterchannels_out
-If you are reducing both dimensions withtarget=full
, use bothtime_out
. - n_epochs: Determines number of epochs to train the autoencoder.
-Here we only use 10 epochs to demonstrate the process but this will result in a very under-trained autoencoder.
In Williams, Weinhardt et al., (in prep, 2024) using the AE-GAN we trained the autoencoder for 2000 epochs. - seed: Sets seed for reproducability.
# Train Autoencoder Parameters
data = 'data/eeggan_training_example.csv'
save_name = ''
kw_channel = 'Electrode'
target = 'time'
time_out = 50
n_epochs = 10
seed = 42
# Train the Autoencoder
!eeggan autoencoder_training data={data} save_name={save_name} kw_channel={kw_channel} target={target} time_out={time_out} n_epochs={n_epochs} seed={seed}
# Alternatively, you could have written all parameters in place:
#!eeggan autoencoder_training data='data/eeggan_training_example.csv' save_name='' kw_channel='Electrode' target='time' time_out=50 n_epochs=10 seed=42
----------------------------------------- Command line arguments: ----------------------------------------- Dataset: data/eeggan_training_example.csv Model save name: Channel label: Electrode Target: time Encoded time series size: 50 Number of epochs: 10 Manual seed: True ----------------------------------------- 100% 10/10 [00:04<00:00, 2.41it/s, TRAIN LOSS: 0.022877, TEST LOSS: 0.008984] Managing checkpoints... Checkpoint saved to trained_ae/ Training complete in: 00:00:04 Training finished. Checkpoint saved to trained_ae/ Training complete in: 00:00:04 Model and configuration saved in trained_ae/
Next, we will train the AE-GAN using the following parameters:
- data: Determines the training dataset
- save_name: Determines the GAN filename. This will automatically be placed within the
directory. - autoencoder: This points the GAN to the autoencoder that was previously trained. Including this parameter uses the AE-GAN structure, but if this parameter is not used the function will use a normal GAN structure. Again, we suggest using the AE-GAN whenever possible.
- kw_condition: This is used to inform the GAN of different conditions.
- kw_channel: This is used to inform the GAN of different electrodes.
- patch_size: This is the length of each token within the transformer. In other words, the time dimension will be cut into segments of this length. The
must be a multiple of the time dimension length.
-The time dimension length for the AE-GAN is the embedded time length (50 in the autoencoder we trained above).
-The time dimension length for the GAN is the sample length (100 in our current dataset).
-So, a patch size of 10 would create 5 tokens of length 10 for the AE-GAN or 10 tokens of length 10 for the GAN. - n_epochs : Determines number of epochs to train the GAN.
-Here we only use 10 epochs to demonstrate the process but this will result in a very under-trained GAN.
In Williams, Weinhardt et al., (in prep, 2024) using the AE-GAN we trained the GAN for 2000 epochs. - seed: Sets seed for reproducability.
Note: If the ddp argument is provided, GANs will be trained using GPUs rather than CPUs
Note: We are not here using the
file that we trained, but instead are using a pretrained autoencoder
#Train AE-GAN Parameters
data = 'data/eeggan_training_example.csv'
save_name = ''
autoencoder = 'trained_ae/' #Uses the pretrained autoencoder
kw_conditions = 'Condition'
kw_channel = 'Electrode'
patch_size = 10
n_epochs = 10
seed = 42
# Train the AE-GAN on CPUs
!eeggan gan_training data={data} autoencoder={autoencoder} save_name={save_name} kw_conditions={kw_conditions} kw_channel={kw_channel} patch_size={patch_size} n_epochs={n_epochs} seed={seed}
# Train the AE-GAN on GPUs
# !eeggan gan_training ddp data={data} autoencoder={autoencoder} save_name={save_name} kw_conditions={kw_conditions} kw_channel={kw_channel} patch_size={patch_size} n_epochs={n_epochs} seed={seed}
# Note, on Google Colab you can start a GPU runtime by going to Runtime > Change runtime type > Hardware accelerator > GPU
# Alternatively, you could have written all parameters in place:
#!eeggan gan_training data='data/eeggan_training_example.csv' autoencoder='trained_ae/' save_name='' kw_conditions='Condition' kw_channel='Electrode' patch_size=10 n_epochs=10 seed=42
#!eeggan gan_training data='data/eeggan_training_example.csv' ddp autoencoder='trained_ae/' save_name='' kw_conditions='Condition' kw_channel='Electrode' patch_size=10 n_epochs=10 seed=42
----------------------------------------- Command line arguments: ----------------------------------------- Dataset: data/eeggan_training_example.csv Using autoencoder: trained_ae/ Model save name: Conditions: ['Condition'] Channel label: Electrode Patch size: 10 Number of epochs: 10 Manual seed: True Generator and discriminator initialized. ----------------------------------------- Training GAN... ----------------------------------------- 100% 10/10 [00:35<00:00, 3.50s/it, D LOSS: -0.725763, G LOSS: 2.004391] Managing checkpoints... Checkpoint saved to trained_models/ Training complete in: 00:00:35 Checkpoint saved to trained_models/ Training complete in: 00:00:35 GAN training finished.
Step 2.2.B. Training the GAN (Optional)¶
This section is optional as using the GAN without the autoencoder is not suggested. None-the-less, there may be situations where you want to train a GAN and not an AE-GAN and here we will show you how.
Essentially, the only difference from what we showed above in section Step 2.2.A. Training the AE-GAN is that:
- We do not train an autoencoder.
- We do not pass the
argument to thegan_training
In fact, below is simply the copy-paste of training the AE-GAN above but with removing the autoencoder
parameter and changing the save_name
so that it does not overwrite our AE-GAN model.
Note: All sections following this one will use the AE-GAN with the corresponding
#Train GAN Parameters
data = 'data/eeggan_training_example.csv'
save_name = ''
kw_conditions = 'Condition'
kw_channel = 'Electrode'
patch_size = 10
n_epochs = 10
seed = 42
# Train the GAN on CPUs
!eeggan gan_training data={data} save_name={save_name} kw_conditions={kw_conditions} kw_channel={kw_channel} patch_size={patch_size} n_epochs={n_epochs} seed={seed}
# Train the GAN on GPUs
# !eeggan gan_training ddp data={data} save_name={save_name} kw_conditions={kw_conditions} kw_channel={kw_channel} patch_size={patch_size} n_epochs={n_epochs} seed={seed}
# Note, on Google Colab you can start a GPU runtime by going to Runtime > Change runtime type > Hardware accelerator > GPU
# Alternatively, you could have written all parameters in place:
#!eeggan gan_training data='data/eeggan_training_example.csv' save_name='' kw_conditions='Condition' kw_channel='Electrode' patch_size=10 n_epochs=10 seed=42
#!eeggan gan_training data='data/eeggan_training_example.csv' ddp save_name='' kw_conditions='Condition' kw_channel='Electrode' patch_size=10 n_epochs=10 seed=42
----------------------------------------- Command line arguments: ----------------------------------------- Dataset: data/eeggan_training_example.csv Model save name: Conditions: ['Condition'] Channel label: Electrode Patch size: 10 Number of epochs: 10 Manual seed: True Generator and discriminator initialized. ----------------------------------------- Training GAN... ----------------------------------------- 100% 10/10 [01:05<00:00, 6.55s/it, D LOSS: 2.998791, G LOSS: -1.095414] Managing checkpoints... Checkpoint saved to trained_models/ Training complete in: 00:01:05 Checkpoint saved to trained_models/ Training complete in: 00:01:05 GAN training finished.
Step 2.3. Visualizing GAN Losses and Generated Data¶
Note that from here on out we will be using the AE-GAN, but simply be calling it GAN.
The GAN trains for the number of epochs specified above; however, this does not ensure that it will train successfully. So, it is important to visualize our training success and ensure that it completed successfully. If it did, we can move forward with using the GAN, but if it did not then we would need to continue training the GAN. This latter case is not a problem though because the package was built so that you can continue training a previously trained GAN (rather than having to start over) if you use the checkpoint
argument with the gan_training
We will now visualize the generator and discriminator losses using the following arguments:
- loss: Determines that we will be viewing the loss plot
- average: Determines that we will be viewing the averaged waveform across conditions
- model: Determines which GAN to visualize
We will know that training was successful if both the generator and discriminator losses hover around 0 at the end of training.
Note: We are not here using the
file that we trained, but instead are using a pretrained aegan
!eeggan visualize loss model=trained_models/
!eeggan visualize average model=trained_models/
print(f"\n{printFormat.bold}Note Google Collab does not support plotting from an executable like this. So, to see the loss plots you will need to run it on another environment, such as locally using CLI.{printFormat.end}")
Command line arguments:
Plotting training loss
Using samples from model/checkpoint file (.pt)trained_models/
System output:
Plotting losses...
Command line arguments:
Averaging over all samples
Using samples from model/checkpoint file (.pt)trained_models/
System output:
Plotting averaged curves over each set of conditions...
Note Google Collab does not support plotting from an executable like this. So, to see the loss plots you will need to run it on another environment, such as locally using CLI.
Step 2.4. Generating Synthetic Data¶
We will be using the following arguments:
- model: Determines which model to use
- path_samples : Where and what to save the generated samples as
- num_samples_total : Number of samples to generate (half per condition)
- seed: Sets seed for reproducability.
Note: We are not here using the
file that we trained, but instead are using a pretrained aegan
!eeggan generate_samples model=trained_models/ conditions=0 save_name=aegan_data_c0.csv seed=42
!eeggan generate_samples model=trained_models/ conditions=1 save_name=aegan_data_c1.csv seed=42
----------------------------------------- Command line arguments: ----------------------------------------- File: trained_models/ Conditions: [0] Saving generated samples to file: aegan_data_c0.csv Manual seed: True ----------------------------------------- System output: ----------------------------------------- Initializing generator... Generating samples... Generating sequence 1/20... Generating sequence 2/20... Generating sequence 3/20... Generating sequence 4/20... Generating sequence 5/20... Generating sequence 6/20... Generating sequence 7/20... Generating sequence 8/20... Generating sequence 9/20... Generating sequence 10/20... Generating sequence 11/20... Generating sequence 12/20... Generating sequence 13/20... Generating sequence 14/20... Generating sequence 15/20... Generating sequence 16/20... Generating sequence 17/20... Generating sequence 18/20... Generating sequence 19/20... Generating sequence 20/20... Saving samples... Generated samples were saved to generated_samples/aegan_data_c0.csv ----------------------------------------- Command line arguments: ----------------------------------------- File: trained_models/ Conditions: [1] Saving generated samples to file: aegan_data_c1.csv Manual seed: True ----------------------------------------- System output: ----------------------------------------- Initializing generator... Generating samples... Generating sequence 1/20... Generating sequence 2/20... Generating sequence 3/20... Generating sequence 4/20... Generating sequence 5/20... Generating sequence 6/20... Generating sequence 7/20... Generating sequence 8/20... Generating sequence 9/20... Generating sequence 10/20... Generating sequence 11/20... Generating sequence 12/20... Generating sequence 13/20... Generating sequence 14/20... Generating sequence 15/20... Generating sequence 16/20... Generating sequence 17/20... Generating sequence 18/20... Generating sequence 19/20... Generating sequence 20/20... Saving samples... Generated samples were saved to generated_samples/aegan_data_c1.csv
Step 3. Synthetic Data¶
Step 3.1. Load Data¶
We will now load the synthetic data we just produced, and confirm the number of samples per condition
#Load Data
syntheticHeaders = np.genfromtxt('generated_samples/aegan_data_c0.csv', delimiter=',', names=True).dtype.names
gan_c0 = np.genfromtxt('generated_samples/aegan_data_c0.csv', delimiter=',', skip_header=1)
gan_c1 = np.genfromtxt('generated_samples/aegan_data_c1.csv', delimiter=',', skip_header=1)
syntheticEEG = np.concatenate((gan_c0,gan_c1),axis=0)
#Print head of the data
print(f"{printFormat.bold}Display first few rows/columns of data{printFormat.end}")
print(pd.DataFrame(syntheticEEG, columns=syntheticHeaders).iloc[:5,:6])
# Print condition sample counts
print(f"\n{printFormat.bold}Display trial counts for each condition{printFormat.end}")
print(f"{printFormat.bold}Win: {printFormat.end}{np.sum(syntheticEEG[:, 0] == 0)}")
print(f"{printFormat.bold}Lose: {printFormat.end}{np.sum(syntheticEEG[:, 0] == 1)}")
Display first few rows/columns of data Condition Electrode Time0 Time1 Time2 Time3 0 0.0 1.0 0.389140 0.408398 0.384589 0.297453 1 0.0 1.0 0.352499 0.332882 0.484594 0.577283 2 0.0 1.0 0.520258 0.509756 0.543827 0.580087 3 0.0 1.0 0.467429 0.476422 0.493830 0.487191 4 0.0 1.0 0.457286 0.488316 0.514130 0.466328 Display trial counts for each condition Win: 1000 Lose: 1000
Step 3.2. View Data¶
Step 3.2.1. View Trial-Level Data¶
We will view 5 trial level data for both the empirical and synthetic data.
#Determine 5 random trials to plot
empiricalIndex = rnd.sample(range(0, empiricalEEG.shape[0]), 5)
syntheticIndex = rnd.sample(range(0, syntheticEEG.shape[0]), 5)
#Plot trial data
f, ax = plt.subplots(5, 2, figsize=(12, 4))
for c in range(5):
ax[c,0].plot(time,empiricalEEG[empiricalIndex[c],4:]) #Note, we here add the same filter simply for visualization
ax[c,1].spines[['left', 'right', 'top']].set_visible(False)
if c == 0:
ax[c,0].set_title('Empirical', loc='left')
ax[c,1].set_title('Synthetic', loc='left')
ax[c,0].set_title(' ')
ax[c,1].set_title(' ')
if c != 4:
ax[c,0].spines[['bottom', 'left', 'right', 'top']].set_visible(False)
ax[c,1].spines[['bottom', 'left', 'right', 'top']].set_visible(False)
ax[c,0].spines[['left', 'right', 'top']].set_visible(False)
ax[c,1].spines[['left', 'right', 'top']].set_visible(False)
ax[c,0].set_xlabel('Time (ms)')
ax[c,1].set_xlabel('Time (ms)')
Step 3.2.2. View ERP Data¶
We will now show the empirical and synthetic ERPs side-by-side for comparison.
#Define Filter Function
def filter_synthetic(EEG, fs=83.33):
w = [x / fs for x in [0.1, 30]]
b, a = signal.butter(4, w, 'band')
filteredEEG = [signal.filtfilt(b, a, EEG[trial,:]) for trial in range(len(EEG))] #Bandpass filter
return np.array(filteredEEG)
#Filter synthetic data
syntheticEEG[:,2:] = filter_synthetic(syntheticEEG[:,2:])
#Grand average the synthetic waveforms for each condition
synLossWaveform = np.mean(syntheticEEG[np.r_[syntheticEEG[:,0]==1],2:],axis=0)
synWinWaveform = np.mean(syntheticEEG[np.r_[syntheticEEG[:,0]==0],2:],axis=0)
#Set up figure
f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(12, 4))
#Plot each empirical waveform (note, we here add the same processing simply for visualization)
ax1.plot(time, scale(winWaveform), label = 'Win')
ax1.plot(time, scale(lossWaveform), label = 'Loss')
#Format plot
ax1.set_ylabel('Voltage ($\mu$V)')
ax1.set_xlabel('Time (ms)')
ax1.set_title('Empirical', loc='left')
ax1.spines[['right', 'top']].set_visible(False)
ax1.tick_params(left = False, labelleft = False)
#Plot each synthetic waveform
ax2.plot(time, scale(synWinWaveform), label = 'Win')
ax2.plot(time, scale(synLossWaveform), label = 'Loss')
#Format plot
ax2.set_ylabel('Voltage ($\mu$V)')
ax2.set_xlabel('Time (ms)')
ax2.set_title('Synthetic', loc='left')
ax2.spines[['right', 'top']].set_visible(False)
ax2.tick_params(left = False, labelleft = False)
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7aff5c15e6b0>
Step 4. Classification¶
Step 4.1. Preparing Validation Data¶
We also provide a validation dataset with samples not contained in the empirical dataset. Here, we prepare them for classification.
#Set seed for a bit of reproducibility
#This function averages trial-level empirical data for each participant and condition
def averageEEG(EEG):
participants = np.unique(EEG[:,0])
averagedEEG = []
for participant in participants:
for condition in range(2):
averagedEEG.append(np.mean(EEG[(EEG[:,0]==participant)&(EEG[:,1]==condition),:], axis=0))
return np.array(averagedEEG)
#Load test data to predict (data that neither the GAN nor the classifier will ever see in training)
EEGDataTest = np.genfromtxt('data/eeggan_validation_example.csv', delimiter=',', skip_header=1)
EEGDataTest = averageEEG(EEGDataTest)[:,1:]
#Extract test outcome and predictor data
y_test = EEGDataTest[:,0]
x_test = EEGDataTest[:,3:]
x_test = scale(x_test,axis = 1)
Step 4.2. Preparing Empirical Data¶
We now prepare the empirical training set. Our predictors will be the entire time series of 100 datapoints.
#Create participant by condition averages
Emp_train = averageEEG(empiricalEEG)[:,1:]
#Extract the outcomes
Emp_Y_train = Emp_train[:,0]
#Scale the predictors
Emp_X_train = scale(Emp_train[:,3:], axis=1)
#Shuffle the order of samples
trainShuffle = rnd.sample(range(len(Emp_X_train)),len(Emp_X_train))
Emp_Y_train = Emp_Y_train[trainShuffle]
Emp_X_train = Emp_X_train[trainShuffle,:]
Step 4.3. Preparing Augmented Data¶
We will prepare the augmented dataset by first processing the synthetic data as we did with the empirical data, then combining both the empirical and synthetic dataset to create an augmented dataset.
#This function averages trial-level synthetic data in bundles of 50 trials, constrained to each condition
def averageSynthetic(synData):
samplesToAverage = 50
lossSynData = synData[synData[:,0]==0,:]
winSynData = synData[synData[:,0]==1,:]
lossTimeIndices = np.arange(0,lossSynData.shape[0],samplesToAverage)
winTimeIndices = np.arange(0,winSynData.shape[0],samplesToAverage)
newLossSynData = [np.insert(np.mean(lossSynData[int(trialIndex):int(trialIndex)+samplesToAverage,1:],axis=0),0,0) for trialIndex in lossTimeIndices]
newWinSynData = [np.insert(np.mean(winSynData[int(trialIndex):int(trialIndex)+samplesToAverage,1:],axis=0),0,1) for trialIndex in winTimeIndices]
avgSynData = np.vstack((np.asarray(newLossSynData),np.asarray(newWinSynData)))
return avgSynData
#Create 'participant' by condition averages
Syn_train = averageSynthetic(syntheticEEG)
#Extract the outcomes
Syn_Y_train = Syn_train[:,0]
#Scale the predictors
Syn_X_train = scale(Syn_train[:,2:], axis=1)
#Combine empirical and synthetic datasets to create an augmented dataset
Aug_Y_train = np.concatenate((Emp_Y_train,Syn_Y_train))
Aug_X_train = np.concatenate((Emp_X_train,Syn_X_train))
#Shuffle the order of samples
trainShuffle = rnd.sample(range(len(Aug_X_train)),len(Aug_X_train))
Aug_Y_train = Aug_Y_train[trainShuffle]
Aug_X_train = Aug_X_train[trainShuffle,:]
Step 5. Support Vector Machine¶
Step 5.1. Define Search Space¶
#Determine SVM search space
param_grid_SVM = [
{'C': [0.1, 1, 10, 100],
'gamma': [1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001],
'kernel': ['rbf', 'poly', 'sigmoid']}]
Step 5.2. Classify Empirical Data¶
#Setup tracking variable
predictionScores_SVM = []
#Setup SVM grid search
optimal_params = GridSearchCV(
refit = True,
verbose = False)
#Conduct classification, Emp_Y_train)
SVMOutput = optimal_params.predict(x_test)
#Determine performance
predictResults = classification_report(y_test, SVMOutput, output_dict=True)
Step 5.3. Classify Augmented Data¶
#Setup SVM grid search
optimal_params = GridSearchCV(
refit = True,
verbose = False)
#Conduct classification, Aug_Y_train)
SVMOutput = optimal_params.predict(x_test)
#Determine performance
predictResults = classification_report(y_test, SVMOutput, output_dict=True)
#Report results
print(f"Empirical Classification Accuracy: {str(predictionScores_SVM[0])}%")
print(f"Augmented Classification Accuracy: {str(predictionScores_SVM[1])}%")
Empirical Classification Accuracy: 53% Augmented Classification Accuracy: 72%
Step 6. Neural Network¶
Step 6.1. Define Search Space¶
#Determine neural network search space
param_grid_NN = [
{'hidden_layer_sizes': [(25,), (50,), (25, 25), (50,50), (50,25,50)],
'activation': ['logistic', 'tanh', 'relu'],
'solver': ['sgd', 'adam'],
'alpha': [0.0001, 0.05],
'learning_rate': ['constant', 'invscaling', 'adaptive'],
'max_iter' : [5000, 10000, 20000, 50000]}]
Step 6.2. Classify Empirical Data¶
#Signify computational time
print('This may take a few minutes...')
#Setup tracking variable
predictionScores_NN = []
#Setup neural network grid search
optimal_params = GridSearchCV(
verbose = True,
n_jobs = -1)
#Conduct classification, Emp_Y_train);
neuralNetOutput = MLPClassifier(hidden_layer_sizes=optimal_params.best_params_['hidden_layer_sizes'],
solver = optimal_params.best_params_['solver'],
alpha = optimal_params.best_params_['alpha'],
learning_rate = optimal_params.best_params_['learning_rate'],
max_iter = optimal_params.best_params_['max_iter']), Emp_Y_train)
y_true, y_pred = y_test , neuralNetOutput.predict(x_test)
#Determine performance
predictResults = classification_report(y_true, y_pred, output_dict=True)
predictScore = round(predictResults['accuracy']*100)
This may take a few minutes... Fitting 5 folds for each of 720 candidates, totalling 3600 fits
Step 6.3. Classify Augmented Data¶
#Signify computational time
print('This may take twice as long as the empirical neural network classification...')
#Setup neural network grid search
optimal_params = GridSearchCV(
verbose = True,
n_jobs = -1)
#Conduct classification, Aug_Y_train);
neuralNetOutput = MLPClassifier(hidden_layer_sizes=optimal_params.best_params_['hidden_layer_sizes'],
solver = optimal_params.best_params_['solver'],
alpha = optimal_params.best_params_['alpha'],
learning_rate = optimal_params.best_params_['learning_rate'],
max_iter = optimal_params.best_params_['max_iter']), Aug_Y_train)
y_true, y_pred = y_test , neuralNetOutput.predict(x_test)
#Determine performance
predictResults = classification_report(y_true, y_pred, output_dict=True)
predictScore = round(predictResults['accuracy']*100)
#Report results
print(f"Empirical Classification Accuracy: {str(predictionScores_NN[0])}%")
print(f"Augmented Classification Accuracy: {str(predictionScores_NN[1])}%")
This may take twice as long as the empirical neural network classification... Fitting 5 folds for each of 720 candidates, totalling 3600 fits Empirical Classification Accuracy: 49% Augmented Classification Accuracy: 70%
Step 7. Final Report¶
Step 7.1. Present Classification Performance¶
We present the performance accuracies in text.
#Report results
print(f"{printFormat.bold}SVM Classification Results:{printFormat.end}")
print(f"Empirical Classification Accuracy: {predictionScores_SVM[0]}%")
print(f"Augmented Classification Accuracy: {predictionScores_SVM[1]}%")
# Report results
print(f"\n{printFormat.bold}Neural Network Classification Results:{printFormat.end}")
print(f"Empirical Classification Accuracy: {predictionScores_NN[0]}%")
print(f"Augmented Classification Accuracy: {predictionScores_NN[1]}%")
print(f"\n{printFormat.italic}Note: Due to randomization in this process, these accuracies will vary.{printFormat.end}")
SVM Classification Results: Empirical Classification Accuracy: 53% Augmented Classification Accuracy: 72% Neural Network Classification Results: Empirical Classification Accuracy: 49% Augmented Classification Accuracy: 70% Note: Due to randomization in this process, these accuracies will vary.
Step 7.2. Plot Classification Performance¶
We present the performance accuracies in a plot.
ax = plt.subplot(111)[.9,1.9],[predictionScores_SVM[0],predictionScores_NN[0]], width=.2)[1.1,2.1],[predictionScores_SVM[1],predictionScores_NN[1]], width=.2)
predictionScores = predictionScores_SVM+predictionScores_NN
for xi, x in enumerate([.86,1.06,1.86,2.06]):
plt.xticks([1,2], labels = ['SVM', 'Neural Network'])
plt.legend(['Empirical','Augmented'], loc='upper right', frameon=False)
ax.spines[['right', 'top']].set_visible(False)