Basic usage¶
The command line interface requires us to save and load the state of a Controller from file.
To initialize it, we can define a file
with the code for the experiment:
import numpy as np from autora.experimentalist.pipeline import ( make_pipeline as make_experimentalist_pipeline, ) from autora.variable import Variable, VariableCollection from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline as make_theorist_pipeline from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures from autora.workflow import Controller rng = np.random.default_rng(180) experimentalist = make_experimentalist_pipeline( [np.linspace, rng.choice], params={ "linspace": {"start": [-10], "stop": [+10], "num": 1001}, "choice": {"size": 10}, }, ) coefs = [2.0, 3.0, 1.0] noise_std = 10.0 def experiment_runner(x, coefs_=coefs, noise_std_=noise_std, rng=rng): """Simple experiment.""" x_ = np.array(x) # assume we've got an array already y_ = ( coefs_[0] * x_**2.0 + coefs_[1] * x_ + coefs_[2] + rng.normal(0.0, noise_std_, size=x_.shape) ) return y_ theorist = GridSearchCV( make_theorist_pipeline(PolynomialFeatures(), LinearRegression()), param_grid={"polynomialfeatures__degree": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]}, scoring="r2", ) controller = Controller( variables=VariableCollection( independent_variables=[Variable("x")], dependent_variables=[Variable("y")] ), experiment_runner=experiment_runner, experimentalist=experimentalist, theorist=theorist, )
Then, before we start the experiment, we
- load the controller from the file
- save its state to a
from lib import controller
import dill
with open("simple-controller.dill", "wb") as file:
dill.dump(controller, file)
We can call the command line interface using python -m autora.workflow <input.dill> <output.dill>
to run the
default next step for the specified controller.
!python -m autora.workflow "simple-controller.dill" "intermediate-1.dill"
!python -m autora.workflow "intermediate-1.dill" "intermediate-2.dill"
!python -m autora.workflow "intermediate-2.dill" "result.dill"
If we want more control over executor order, we can instead call the command line interface using
python -m autora.workflow <input.dill> <output.dill> <task_name>
to run the particular task. The task names are the
names of executors defined in the Controller – in this case experimentalist
, experiment_runner
and theorist
!python -m autora.workflow "simple-controller.dill" "experimentalist-output.dill" experimentalist --verbose
INFO:__main__:using INFO logging level INFO:autora.workflow.base:getting step_name='experimentalist' INFO:autora.workflow.base:running next_function=<function from_experimentalist_pipeline.<locals>._executor_experimentalist at 0x15f97e310> INFO:__main__:last result: Result(data=array([[-5.22], [ 1.52], [ 1.42], [ 3.36], [-1.74], [ 1.06], [ 8.74], [-5.86], [-1.16], [-6.46]]), kind=ResultKind.CONDITION) INFO:__main__:writing out results
!python -m autora.workflow "experimentalist-output.dill" "experiment-runner-output.dill" experiment_runner --verbose
INFO:__main__:using INFO logging level INFO:autora.workflow.base:getting step_name='experiment_runner' INFO:autora.workflow.base:running next_function=<function from_experiment_runner_callable.<locals>._executor_experiment_runner at 0x137ac0310> INFO:__main__:last result: Result(data=array([[ -5.22 , 44.17634595], [ 1.52 , 2.85614526], [ 1.42 , -1.18727197], [ 3.36 , 42.40577088], [ -1.74 , -5.1408566 ], [ 1.06 , 1.85630186], [ 8.74 , 184.75918836], [ -5.86 , 72.86977407], [ -1.16 , -14.10728103], [ -6.46 , 70.81902322]]), kind=ResultKind.OBSERVATION) INFO:__main__:writing out results
!python -m autora.workflow "experiment-runner-output.dill" "theorist-output.dill" theorist --verbose
INFO:__main__:using INFO logging level INFO:autora.workflow.base:getting step_name='theorist' INFO:autora.workflow.base:running next_function=<function from_theorist_estimator.<locals>._executor_theorist at 0x147780310> INFO:__main__:last result: Result(data=GridSearchCV(estimator=Pipeline(steps=[('polynomialfeatures', PolynomialFeatures()), ('linearregression', LinearRegression())]), param_grid={'polynomialfeatures__degree': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]}, scoring='r2'), kind=ResultKind.MODEL) INFO:__main__:writing out results
We can interrogate the results by loading them into the current session.
with open("theorist-output.dill", "rb") as file:
controller_result = dill.load(file)
We have four objects in the history:
from pprint import pprint
[Result(data=VariableCollection(independent_variables=[Variable(name='x', value_range=None, allowed_values=None, units='', type=<ValueType.REAL: 'real'>, variable_label='', rescale=1, is_covariate=False)], dependent_variables=[Variable(name='y', value_range=None, allowed_values=None, units='', type=<ValueType.REAL: 'real'>, variable_label='', rescale=1, is_covariate=False)], covariates=[]), kind=ResultKind.VARIABLES), Result(data=array([[-5.22], [ 1.52], [ 1.42], [ 3.36], [-1.74], [ 1.06], [ 8.74], [-5.86], [-1.16], [-6.46]]), kind=ResultKind.CONDITION), Result(data=array([[ -5.22 , 44.17634595], [ 1.52 , 2.85614526], [ 1.42 , -1.18727197], [ 3.36 , 42.40577088], [ -1.74 , -5.1408566 ], [ 1.06 , 1.85630186], [ 8.74 , 184.75918836], [ -5.86 , 72.86977407], [ -1.16 , -14.10728103], [ -6.46 , 70.81902322]]), kind=ResultKind.OBSERVATION), Result(data=GridSearchCV(estimator=Pipeline(steps=[('polynomialfeatures', PolynomialFeatures()), ('linearregression', LinearRegression())]), param_grid={'polynomialfeatures__degree': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]}, scoring='r2'), kind=ResultKind.MODEL)]
The zeroth result is the initialization data:
VariableCollection(independent_variables=[Variable(name='x', value_range=None, allowed_values=None, units='', type=<ValueType.REAL: 'real'>, variable_label='', rescale=1, is_covariate=False)], dependent_variables=[Variable(name='y', value_range=None, allowed_values=None, units='', type=<ValueType.REAL: 'real'>, variable_label='', rescale=1, is_covariate=False)], covariates=[])
The next is the first proposed experiment:
array([[-5.22], [ 1.52], [ 1.42], [ 3.36], [-1.74], [ 1.06], [ 8.74], [-5.86], [-1.16], [-6.46]])
The next is the first set of observations:
array([[ -5.22 , 44.17634595], [ 1.52 , 2.85614526], [ 1.42 , -1.18727197], [ 3.36 , 42.40577088], [ -1.74 , -5.1408566 ], [ 1.06 , 1.85630186], [ 8.74 , 184.75918836], [ -5.86 , 72.86977407], [ -1.16 , -14.10728103], [ -6.46 , 70.81902322]])
The next is the fitted model:
GridSearchCV(estimator=Pipeline(steps=[('polynomialfeatures', PolynomialFeatures()), ('linearregression', LinearRegression())]), param_grid={'polynomialfeatures__degree': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]}, scoring='r2')In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with
GridSearchCV(estimator=Pipeline(steps=[('polynomialfeatures', PolynomialFeatures()), ('linearregression', LinearRegression())]), param_grid={'polynomialfeatures__degree': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]}, scoring='r2')
Pipeline(steps=[('polynomialfeatures', PolynomialFeatures()), ('linearregression', LinearRegression())])
... which we can plot:
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from lib import experiment_runner as ground_truth, noise_std
def plot_results(controller_):
last_model = controller_.state.filter_by(kind={"MODEL"}).history[-1].data
x = np.linspace(-10, 10, 100).reshape((-1, 1))
plt.plot(x, last_model.predict(x), label="model")
plt.plot(x, ground_truth(x, noise_std_=0.), label="ground_truth", c="orange")
plt.fill_between(x.flatten(), ground_truth(x, noise_std_=0.).flatten() + noise_std, ground_truth(x, noise_std_=0.).flatten() - noise_std,
alpha=0.3, color="orange")
for i, observation in enumerate(controller_.state.filter_by(kind={"OBSERVATION"}).history):
xi, yi =[:,0],[:,1]
plt.scatter(xi, yi, label=f"observation {i=}")
If we run the experiment for another 3 cycles, we can get results closer to the ground truth. In this example, we overwrite the results file each time the CLI is called.
!cp "theorist-output.dill" "result.dill"
for i in range(9): # each cycle has 3 steps, and we take 1 step per CLI call
!python -m autora.workflow "result.dill" "result.dill"
with open("result.dill", "rb") as file:
controller_after_3_cycles = dill.load(file)
We can continue to run for as long as we like, e.g. another 10 cycles:
!cp "result.dill" "result-30.dill"
for i in range(30):
!python -m autora.workflow "result-30.dill" "result-30.dill"
with open("result-30.dill", "rb") as file:
controller_after_13_cycles = dill.load(file)