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Installing equation-scraper


The only prerequisites for installing equation-scraper is Python.

Install With Pip

To install using pip:

  pip install equation-scraper

You can then import the package functions directly:

  • Import functions: from equation_scraper import scrape_and_parse_equations, scrape_equations, parse_equations, plot_prior, load_prior
  • Use function: scrape_and_parse_equations(['Cognitive_psychology'])

Or indirectly:

  • Import package: import equation_scraper as es
  • Use function: es.scrape_and_parse_equations(['Cognitive_psychology'])

If you prefer, follow this link to our PyPI page to directly download wheels or source.

Installing From the Source

You can install the latest GitHub version of equation-scraper into your environment:

  pip install git+

Obtaining the Source

If you rather download the package via GitHub you can use the following command:

  git clone

To update your local package:

  git pull


The following are the required dependencies for equation-scraper. If you install equation-scraper via pip, or installed equation-scraper from the source, these are automatically installed. If you have obtained the package from the source you can install these via the pyproject.toml file pip install .

  Beautiful Soup 4~=4.11.2