SweetBean can be installed via pip:
pip install sweetbean
A single Introduction Trial
To create a SweetBean experiment, you define a sequence of stimuli. For example, the following code defines a simple text stimulus to welcome participants. `:
from sweetbean.stimulus import Text
welcome = Text("Welcome to the experiment! Press >>Space<< to begin", choices=[" "])
We then use stimuli to create a sequence of events:
event_sequence = [welcome]
From sequences, we can create a block:
from sweetbean import Block
introduction_block = Block(event_sequence)
Finally, we can create the experiment...
from sweetbean import Experiment
experiment = Experiment([indroduction_block])
... and export the experiment as html file
Download Data
You can run the created file basic.html
in any browser to test the experiment. If you want to create an experiment
that automatically downloads the created data locally (for example, to look at the data during development), use the
following code:
experiment.to_html("basic.html", path_local_download='example.csv') # for csv
experiment.to_html("basic.html", path_local_download='example.json') # for json
At the end of an experiment created this way, the data will be automatically stored to your machines download
Multiple Trials
Let us create a stroop experiment. The trials should start with a fixation cross, followed by a colored word:
from sweetbean.stimulus import Text, Fixation
fixation_1 = Fixation(duration=500)
stroop_1 = Text("RED", color="red", choices=["r", "g"])
fixation_2 = Fixation(duration=500)
stroop_2 = Text("GREEN", color="green", choices=["r", "g"])
fixation_3 = Fixation(duration=500)
We can then create a sequence of events and blocks as before.
event_sequence_stroop = [fixation_1, stroop_1, fixation_2, stroop_2, fixation_3, ...]
stroop_block = Block(event_sequence_stroop)
experiment = Experiment([introduction_block, stroop_block])
This way, we could use loops to create experiments with many trials. But a better way is to use
the timeline variables
: Timeline Variables