

First, a welcoming text, 'Welcome! We show some Symbols. Press SPACE to continue' is shown until

the participant presses the Spacebar. Then a square in purple is followed by a triangle in red

followed by a circle in green. All of these symbols are shown for 3000ms or until the participant

presses the key f or j. The correct key for the purple square and the red triangle is f, and

the correct key for the green circle is j.


from sweetbean.sequence import Block, Experiment

from sweetbean.stimulus import SymbolStimulus, TextStimulus


stim_1 = TextStimulus(

    text="Welcome! We show some Symbols. Press SPACE to continue",

    choices=[" "],


stim_2 = SymbolStimulus(

    duration=3000, symbol="square", color="#f0f", choices=["f", "j"], correct_key="f"


stim_3 = SymbolStimulus(

    duration=3000, symbol="triangle", color="red", choices=["f", "j"], correct_key="f"


stim_4 = SymbolStimulus(

    duration=3000, symbol="circle", color="green", choices=["f", "j"], correct_key="j"


event_sequence = [stim_1, stim_2, stim_3, stim_4]


trial_sequence = Block(event_sequence)

experiment = Experiment([trial_sequence])
