

A fixation cross is followed by a blank screen, followed by a Stroop stimulus, followed by another

blank screen, followed by feedback. The fixation cross is shown for 1000ms. The first blank screen

is shown for 400ms the second for 300ms. The Stroop stimulus is shown for 2000ms. Feedback is shown

for 800ms. This is a task-switching experiment. The color of the Stroop task and its words are

indicated by the experimental design. The correct response  to a red word in the color naming task

is f, and the correct response to a green word is j. If the participant's response was correct,

the text "correct" is shown. If the participant's response was false, the text "false" is shown.


from sweetbean.parameter import (






from sweetbean.sequence import Block, Experiment

from sweetbean.stimulus import TextStimulus

timeline = [

    {"color": "red", "word": "RED", "correct_key": "f"},

    {"color": "green", "word": "GREEN", "correct_key": "j"},

    {"color": "green", "word": "RED", "correct_key": "f"},

    {"color": "red", "word": "GREEN", "correct_key": "j"},



color = TimelineVariable("color", ["red", "green"])

word = TimelineVariable("word", ["RED", "GREEN"])

def is_correct_f(color):

    return color == "red"

def is_correct_j(color):

    return not is_correct_f(word)

j_key = DerivedLevel("j", is_correct_j, [color])

f_key = DerivedLevel("f", is_correct_f, [color])

correct_key = DerivedParameter("correct", [j_key, f_key])

# Creating a data variable

correct = DataVariable("correct", [True, False])

# Predicates

def is_correct(correct):

    return correct

def is_false(correct):

    return not correct

# Derived Levels

correct_feedback = DerivedLevel("correct", is_correct, [correct], 2)

false_feedback = DerivedLevel("false", is_false, [correct], 2)

# Derived Parameter

feedback_text = DerivedParameter("feedback_text", [correct_feedback, false_feedback])

# Using it in the stimulus

fixation = TextStimulus(1000, "+")

so_s = TextStimulus(400)

stroop = TextStimulus(2000, word, color, ["j", "f"], correct_key)

so_f = TextStimulus(300)

feedback = TextStimulus(800, feedback_text)

event_sequence = [fixation, so_s, stroop, so_f, feedback]


train_block = Block(event_sequence, timeline)

experiment = Experiment([train_block])
