Module for registering and retrieving synthetic models from an inventory.
To add and recover a new model from the inventory, we need to define it using a factory function. We start by importing the modules we'll need:
>>> from functools import partial
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from autora.experiment_runner.synthetic.utilities import (register, retrieve, describe,
... SyntheticExperimentCollection)
>>> from autora.variable import IV, DV, VariableCollection
Then we can define the function. We define all the arguments we want and add them to a
dictionary. The factory_function – in this case sinusoid_experiment
– is the scope for all
the parameters we need.
>>> def sinusoid_experiment(omega=np.pi/3, delta=np.pi/2., m=0.3, resolution=1000,
... rng=np.random.default_rng()):
... """Shifted sinusoid experiment, combining a sinusoid and a gradient drift.
... Ground truth: y = sin((x - delta) * omega) + (x * m)
... Parameters:
... omega: angular speed in radians
... delta: offset in radians
... m: drift gradient in [radians ^ -1]
... resolution: number of x values
... """
... name = "Shifted Sinusoid"
... params = dict(omega=omega, delta=delta, resolution=resolution, m=m, rng=rng)
... x = IV(name="x", value_range=(-6 * np.pi, 6 * np.pi))
... y = DV(name="y", value_range=(-1, 1))
... variables = VariableCollection(independent_variables=[x], dependent_variables=[y])
... def domain():
... return np.linspace(*x.value_range, resolution).reshape(-1, 1)
... def run(X, std=0.1):
... return np.sin((X - delta) * omega) + (X * m) + rng.normal(0, std, X.shape)
... def ground_truth(X):
... return run(X, std=0.)
... def plotter(model=None):
... plt.plot(domain(), ground_truth(domain()), label="Ground Truth")
... if model is not None:
... plt.plot(domain(), model.predict(domain()), label="Model")
... plt.title(name)
... collection = SyntheticExperimentCollection(
... name=name,
... description=sinusoid_experiment.__doc__,
... params=params,
... variables=variables,
... domain=domain,
... run=run,
... ground_truth=ground_truth,
... plotter=plotter,
... factory_function=sinusoid_experiment,
... )
... return collection
Then we can register the experiment. We register the function, rather than evaluating it.
>>> register("sinusoid_experiment", sinusoid_experiment)
When we want to retrieve the experiment, we can just use the default values if we like:
>>> s = retrieve("sinusoid_experiment")
We can retrieve the docstring of the model using the describe
>>> print(describe(s))
Shifted sinusoid experiment, combining a sinusoid and a gradient drift.
Ground truth: y = sin((x - delta) * omega) + (x * m)
... or using its id:
>>> print(describe("sinusoid_experiment"))
Shifted sinusoid experiment, combining a sinusoid and a gradient drift.
Ground truth: y = sin((x - delta) * omega) + (x * m)
... or we can look at the factory function directly:
>>> print(describe(sinusoid_experiment))
Shifted sinusoid experiment, combining a sinusoid and a gradient drift.
Ground truth: y = sin((x - delta) * omega) + (x * m)
The object returned includes all the used parameters as a dictionary
>>> s.params
{'omega': 1.0..., 'delta': 1.5..., 'resolution': 1000, 'm': 0.3, ...}
If we need to modify the parameter values, we can pass them as arguments to the retrieve function:
>>> t = retrieve("sinusoid_experiment",delta=0.2)
>>> t.params
{..., 'delta': 0.2, ...}
Inventory = dict()
The dictionary of SyntheticExperimentCollection
Represents a synthetic experiment.
Name | Type | Description |
name |
the name of the theory |
params |
a dictionary with the settable parameters of the model and their respective values |
variables |
a VariableCollection describing the variables of the model |
domain |
a function which returns all the available X values for the model |
run |
a function which takes X values and returns simulated y values with statistical noise |
ground_truth |
a function which takes X values and returns simulated y values without any statistical noise |
plotter |
Optional[Callable[[Optional[_SupportsPredict]], None]]
a function which plots the ground truth and, optionally, a model with a
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Print the docstring for a synthetic experiment.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
the experiment's ID, an object returned from the |
required |
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register(id_, factory_function)
Add a new synthetic experiment to the Inventory.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
the unique id for the model. |
required |
a function which returns a SyntheticExperimentCollection |
required |
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retrieve(id_, **kwargs)
Retrieve a synthetic experiment from the Inventory.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
the unique id for the model |
required |
keyword arguments for the synthetic experiment (variables, coefficients etc.) |
Returns: the synthetic experiment
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